This is interactive entertainment. From your favourite pub to everyone's desktop. Aug The Blog is coming soon.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Canada Day (this Friday)

July 1, 2005

Caption-Michael Pritchard

Sunday, June 26, 2005

This is the seventh original music post on Augblog.

I hope you like it.


Saturday, June 25, 2005

The New Rocky

Grame's Hand Hair
First I met Graeme. He showed me his hand hair.

Then I met his mom Elizabeth, and his two friends, Reanne and Sean.

With Rocky
We then proceeded to discuss the "NEW ROCKY".
this is an audio post - click to play

Thanks to all who made my weekend at the Devil's Harp a fun event.


Happy Birthday, Richard

Thursday, June 23, 2005

God Humour ( Humor...for the American Friends...)

This is the sixth original music post on Augblog.

I hope you like it.


Wednesday, June 22, 2005

"Fast Hands" Dan Gordon

Dan Gordon
Originally uploaded by AugTheBlog.
Thanks Blake, for sending Dan Gordon to my Open Mic last night. He is a very fine writer, and I wish great things for him.

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Straight Life

This is the fifth original music post on Augblog. I hope you like it.


Nice God Fearing Good Loving Fun People!

this is an audio post - click to play

Saturday, June 18, 2005

I just got home...

June 17, 2005
I just got home from Spezzo, after a fun night. Diane from Vancouver was there, and Bloody Bob, and friends transformed
the night into serious fun.
Jason & Kelly were in for my first set. They brought their daughter, Rachel, who sang some great Abba. It was her first time onstage, and it was quite moving....Here's a picture of Rosie and friends, outside Spezzo with my guitar....Someone Stole My Guitar....the adventure continues.....

Friday, June 17, 2005

Pub Joke

this is an audio post - click to play

A Star Is Born

this is an audio post - click to play

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

All That I Am

This is the fourth original music post on Augblog. I hope you like it.


The Gasper Factor

Last night at the Wolf, Gasper (on the left), showed up with Angelo. They are 50% of the band ASHLEY, and last night they sounded very fine indeed. It was good of David Ellul to let Gasper play his brand new guitar....the aventure continues....

David Ellul's New Baby

David Ellul's New Baby
David Ellul just bought a brand new Larrivee L-03 Model Acoustic guitar with LR Baggs M1 Active Pickup. The sound is stunning. I am very jealous, but it was nice of him to let me play a few tunes on it. David, good luck in Europe.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Guys Being Checked Out (or not)

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Monday, June 13, 2005


This is the third original music post on Augblog. Hope you like it.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Augmocracy In Aurora Last Night

Reaching Out At Baldwins
I reached out to the people of Aurora last night.
With Bill
A good man named Bill responded. We all decided that he should be the Mayor of Aurora.
What I See
We all voted him in. It is official. Bill is the mayor of Aurora.
With Cheryn Lyn
How about that Cheryn Lyn. Thanks for singing, Cheryn. You are an amazing talent....the adventure continues......

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Conversation with Shawna, and Bill (Mayor of Aurora)

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Friday, June 10, 2005

Spoon Face

This is the second original music post on Augblog. Hope you like it.


A Very Good Idea!

A Very Good Idea..

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Warm Day For December

This is the first mp3 music post on Augblog. Hope you like it.


All In The Family

All In The FamilyEveryone you see is related in one way or another. These people brought a lot of fun to my Tuesday night at the Wolf & Firkin. One of the young ladies came up to the stage to mime while I sang. Andy and Adrienne provided inspiration, and interaction. Most of them are visiting from London, England. Tomorrow they will spend the day in Niagara Falls. I wish them a great time in Canada.....the adventure continues....

Sunday, June 05, 2005


snakedancing...the adventure continues....

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Last Night @ The Dickens

June 3, 2005

I'm not completely sure how to describe this evening at the Dickens and Firkin, in Milton, but I shall try. It was a profound experience.

The Robertsons were there in the 1st set. They are a nice family. It was a pleasure to have met them.

2nd set-Nicole, Shawna, and their men enter. When they walk in I am playing guitar while a man named Mark is singing. He is a world class singer from the UK. As the night progresses a few more of his mates come up to sing. They are all quite special, and dynamic in their own right.

Long story shorter.....after I tore down they were still singing soulfully around their table.

They love to sing. It was a profound experience for me. Of course people should love to sing. These guys sang as if their lives depended on it.


Happy Birthday, Christina & Deanna!

Congratulations to Shawna for the promotion. Thanks Nicole, for taking many of the pictures.

...the adventure continues...

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Thanks Nigel

Thanks Nigel
Originally uploaded by AugTheBlog.
I just received this photo that Nigel took on his cel phone a few hours ago. He emailed me this from a hotel room somewhere in downtown T.O.

Thanks, Nigel. I hope to see you soon.

Hey you, me and a mic named Luigi.......

Hey YouHey you, I just had a really fun night at the Wolf & Firkin...Jammin' with Henry & EricEric tore the house apart with his harmonica, and Rock God, Henry, showed up ready to sing...Coaster GirlsIt was so nice to meet Coaster Girl....great sport that she is....Mr AngeloAngelo played a few great original tunes that went over well...Marg's Gang ReturnsMarg's gang showing up at the end made it a perfect "Open Luigi" evening....even Richard, the politician popped in.....yes of course Gandie was there....the adventure continues.....

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