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Friday, July 01, 2005

Canada Day!

this is an audio post - click to play
Kim's Gang
Thanks to Kim, Mike (they're getting married soon), Jim and Barb. You guys kicked off my Canada Day Marathon in a major way, and set the party tone for everyone who came after you.

Rachael's Canadian Left Arm,,
Rachael offered her left arm towards the good cheer celebration.

Lucy's Gang (Dave stood up all night)
When the sun went down, we moved the party inside. These folks are celebrating Lucy's retirement from teaching. Dave refused to sit down throughout most of the show. Congratulations, Lucy!

Lucy's Retirement..
Lucy came up to sing. She looks way too young to retire.

Human Mic Stand..
Many of you have seen the movie HUMAN STAIN. I'd like to offer the HUMAN MIC STAND (...i like cheese...)

Matt Rocks!
When we all sang OH CANADA, I noticed a large voice wearing a blue shirt. Everyone coaxed him to hit the stage. What can I say....Matt rocked the room....Cheers to all.....Happy Canada Day.....the adventure continues....

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