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Wednesday, December 08, 2004

G Brothers Perform

G Brothers Perform
Originally uploaded by AugTheBlog. brother Ernie shows up at the end of the night and performs "Slagtown" with me. The song is from an album we made together in 1993...It was the high point of the evening...Stavros was there to snap the shot...Tony and Katie (we must do coffee soon) showed up early in the night...Chris went up and performed his original tunes to a full room...he deserved the exposure... a fellow named David Ellul played a number of tunes and ended up selling 3 of his CD's.....he only had 3 with him....last night was also a Christmas Party as well as an Open Luigi Night....I thank Eric again for playing and singing with me..You're always great...thanks for the lighten up Lilly...The Great Christopher Hollow (the man who introduced me to blogging) showed up...the adventure continues...

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