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Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Last Night At The Wolf & Firkin

It was good to see Petah, and Debbie at the bar last night. Sheree was part of the audience (used to seeing her behind the bar). David Ellul popped in shortly. He showed me his site on a fairly large laptop he carries around(thanks for the nice words). David is a self proclaimed geek as well as a great singer and guitarist. Christopher Hollow sang a fine version of Leonard Cohen's "Closing Time". Marg's gang was there (Yay). I met some interesting people from North Carolina (Check out Jerry Lamm's audio posts). He had a great deal to say (Jerry, if you get on this site please leave a comment....your stories are great...if not....Cheers!). Jerry and Mark (from North Carolina) were there with Jen. Mark also played some guitar and Jerry sang. It was Bernice's birthday (bless that smiling woman's soul). Her and John were from England....they were a blast....a fun time at the Wolf and Firkin...the adventure continues.....

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