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Sunday, September 12, 2004

The Universe is expanding.....we need more office space

According to Tanya, Sean, Tom (Mario Lemieux), Andrew (Joe Sakic)....this was the case last night at Baldwins in the city of Aurora. Only they can help any of us understand this by leaving comments. Otherwise the universe will continue to expand at a quickened pace and none of us will get it. I arrived to find Aurorians glued to the many televisions inside Baldwins.....Team Canada finally won the game in OT. Now I must start to play. I don't know anyone here. The couple in front of me is way too close. I don't mind but I think they might. I assure them that I won't be performing heavy metal this evening. It turns out that they are Tanya and Sean. Tanya grew up with Scott from the Blue Moose in Sutton. Hold on. I was just there last night. They just had a baby girl (Olivia). Hold on my brother just had a baby girl (Ava), and I have a niece named Olivia. The night was a success because people were interacting with each other. Peter(the English guy) at the bar pulled up closer. Amber the bartender was smiling. The star of the evening though was Drew. He is affectionately known as Drew Dawg. His girlfriend J Dawg seemed proud of him when he sat in the middle of the room with my guitar in his lap while we all chanted The Gambler. A star is born.....more office space please. They have a comfy patio at Baldwins. Norm was on his 2nd date with Mary. At the end of the night I think that Norm's universe was expanding (intellectually). Amanda and Molly might have put the moves on Tom and Andrew, but they kept talking about their wives. They deserve praise. All in all I had a good time......and the adventure continues (with heavy fog on the way home).

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