This is interactive entertainment. From your favourite pub to everyone's desktop. Aug The Blog is coming soon.

Friday, November 19, 2004


Originally uploaded by AugTheBlog.
Steve from St. Louis had to leave early, and I finally meet John the owner. That was Part One of the evening. Part 2 goes like this:
The Office - a docu-com from the BBC about office life was being shown on the many screens at Boston Pizza last night at the request of Larry, Steve (THE BRIT from LA), Will, and Ali(THE BOSS from LA). During my break they asked Marie, the bartender if they could watch some of their newly purchased DVD with English sub-titles (because the sound is off....later I'm singing in the background). No...this doesn't bruise my ego. I'm trying to interact by a random reading of some of the sub-titles on the mic. When the night is slow this can be fun. They also make some requests. This group at the bar were being very nice to me. Hey Steve...I hope you send me "California Lawyer Sandra's Blog"...I'll post a link to it on my blog. A young fellow named Chris was there with his "3 fans". He made some new fans when he played a few Tragically Hip and Neil Young Tunes. I thought that he was quite good. It was a pleasant evening. The night reminded me of stepping into someone's livingroom, passing a guitar around while watching a sitcom (the office) with old friends. I met some new friends last night...thanks....the adventure continues.....

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