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Sunday, September 26, 2004

Happy Anniversaries at Spezzo

Do you remember when we met
That's the day I knew you were my pet
I want to tell you how much I love you
Come with me, my love
To the sea, the sea of love
I want to tell you how much I love you

This was the song I was singing at Spezzo last night for more than a few couples. Frank and Maria (19 years)....Dan and Restitutta (16 years)....Charlie and Carmelita (15 years).....Jamie and Sherry (13 years).

I had a great time last night at Spezzo. Charlie had shaken hands with pretty much the whole place by the time the night had ended. I can't believe this hand shaking experience repeated itself within one week. Charlie is no relation to Lloyd (see my prior posting). The difference here was that Charlie was sent to shake hands with other tables as opposed to the people coming to him. I like the way he brought the room together. Dan and his suave looks had been the subject of much of my commentary. Perhaps one day he will have a statue
put up in his honour. Frank was the smooth, fast talking, good hearted, guy (no wonder his marriage to Maria lasted 19 years....and counting) who broke the ice by sending an early thumbs up my way. This allowed me to feel comfortable entertaining them. The anniversaries were real. Charlie's hand shaking resulted in Sherry and Jamie from Uxbridge coming over and joining the other couples at there table. We could see new people coming in from the outside. The thought was that they deserve a standing ovation when they were visable to us all. The tables also followed me outside (actually the people at the tables did as well) of Spezzo ( sometimes I wander with my guitar hoping others will follow). I have a few nice pictures of this. Thanks to everyone (including Kareem, Mike the bartender, Carlos, the new manager, Peter the excellent waiter, Manny the Philosopher, the Armenian folk....etc.) for making my stay at Spezzo a memory worth blogging. I just wanted to wish Kara a Happy Birthday (she was unable to attend). I also wanted to say hello to Jay from Edmonton. It was good to meet him the night before. The night ended with me singing "Tears In Heaven" to a few people in the back who claimed they loved the song. Shannon sat at this particular table, and when the song was over she asked me if I was Augy's brother (she had seen Augy perform at the Moose several times)....I replied "No I am not"......and the adventure continues........

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