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Wednesday, November 24, 2004


Jammin' With Eric and Gus
Originally uploaded by AugTheBlog.
Duncan appears out of nowhere with some great tunes...he used to play music for a living...I was shocked when he told me what year he was born...he is in great shape..made me want to display the pics in Black & White....Mike sings "Needle and the Damage Done"...Debbie's back from Spain...Alicia and Jen show up....Marg's group is a party....thanks again....i give up.....they tell me that i look like a luigi, sound like a luigi...i just renamed my microphone LUIGI.....not a louie....a luigi...Open Luigi is what this guys win....Eric plays half the night with me....i loved his "country" harmonica playing....
The Amazing Duncan (model 1945)
Thanks again....Welcome Home Debbie
full story soon...

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