Synchronicity In Aurora
Maybe it was the law of averages playing itself out....that uncanny coincidence....maybe not. Thursday night at Aw Shucks in Aurora proved to be just that. I had finished a long first set when I searched the bar for an empty seat. There was only one spot available. I asked the good looking couple if the seat beside them was taken. They politely asked me to have a seat. I will withhold their full names, and withhold any photos of them at their request. I refer to them as Dr. Lu and Jan. Dr. Lu (a real doctor) was quick to strike up a conversation (as my lonely guitar lay on the stool in the other room), and was very friendly. He discussed his travels with Jan through Europe. He then began speaking gloriously of his stay in Scotland. She was Scottish and he was Italian. To look at them I would have to say that this was a perfect match. They showed great respect for each then spoke of when he accompanied his son, the writer, actor, to Los Angeles. It's funny because my father had accompanied me to Los Angeles when I went to school there many years before. He spoke of the journeys of his great grandfather and that mirrored the journeys of my grandfather in America. He was a very wise man. All of this was fun. The three of us agreed that Italians and Scottish make a great combination. I then decided to go back to work. In the main room a couple walks in. She is maybe 20. He is a little older. Within 5 minutes I discover that they are on their 1st date. I also discover that she is Scottish and he is Italian (mmm interesting). They reveal their names. She is Caitlin. He is Richard. At this point I feel that it is my mission to make sure the date goes well (even though it's none of my business). Dr. Lu and Jan enter the room. A third couple then walk in. It's Rachel and Mike. It turns out Rachel is a friend of Caitlin. They are another great couple. They are getting married in a year or so. The night was fun.I must admit the energy of the evening was when my guitar was on it's stool and I was sitting down talking with Dr. Lu and Jan and the other young couples. I wish all of them luck....the adventure continues.....

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