This is interactive entertainment. From your favourite pub to everyone's desktop. Aug The Blog is coming soon.

Sunday, November 28, 2004

Good Night!

Good Night!
Originally uploaded by AugTheBlog.
....Vance Rocks the room....i get to jam with these fine lads....lots a pics....debbie lends me her phone while Vance is singing....a tale of 4 people...the monkees meet the drifters meet the noonatics....thankyou guys...full story soon...

Something Tells Me...

....I'm into something good....

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I'm Into Something Good
Herman's Hermits
By Gerry Goffin and Carol King

Woke up this mornin' feelin' fine
Theres somethin' special on my mind
Last night I met a new girl in the neighborhood
Somethin' tells me I'm into somethin' good.

She's the kind of girl who's not too shy
And I can tell I'm her kind of guy
Well she danced close to me like I hoped she would
and somethin' tells me I'm into somethin' good.


We only talked for a minute or two
but we stuck close together
the whole night through
Can this be fallin' in love
well she's everthing I been dreamin' of.

When I walked her home and she held my hand
I knew it couldn't be just a one night stand
So I asked to see her next week and she told me I could
and somethin' tells me I'm into somethin' good.

Devil's On Fire...Indeed!

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this is an audio post - click to play

Saturday, November 27, 2004


...Four People.....Four People Is All You Need...

this is an audio post - click to play

Who Are These Beautiful People?

Vance and Anna
Originally uploaded by AugTheBlog.
...last night part 2...full story soon...

Artist Formerly Known As Herman

With Peter Noone
Originally uploaded by AugTheBlog.
....great night last night at the Devil's Harp .....Full Story Soon...

Friday, November 26, 2004


Brian's Shoes
Originally uploaded by AugTheBlog.
Instead of mentioning meeting Dan at the bar, or Vince (from Ford), or Jay coming up to sing, or Michelle showing off her multi-colored scarf that her grandmother knitted for her in Newfoundland, or, for that matter, meeting Mike, the salesman extraordinaire. Instead of even mentioning that I was performing in Bronte last night at The Firehall. Instead of all this I will put Brian's shoes on display. He informs me that they're not for sale at any price....the adventure continues......

Wednesday, November 24, 2004


Jammin' With Eric and Gus
Originally uploaded by AugTheBlog.
Duncan appears out of nowhere with some great tunes...he used to play music for a living...I was shocked when he told me what year he was born...he is in great shape..made me want to display the pics in Black & White....Mike sings "Needle and the Damage Done"...Debbie's back from Spain...Alicia and Jen show up....Marg's group is a party....thanks again....i give up.....they tell me that i look like a luigi, sound like a luigi...i just renamed my microphone LUIGI.....not a louie....a luigi...Open Luigi is what this guys win....Eric plays half the night with me....i loved his "country" harmonica playing....
The Amazing Duncan (model 1945)
Thanks again....Welcome Home Debbie
full story soon...

Monday, November 22, 2004


Originally uploaded by AugTheBlog.
I have just received confirmation that I will be performing with the very talented Ernie G at Spezzo, in Richmond Hill, on New Years Eve. The people sky photo is a shot I took on Jan. 1, 2004.

Sunday, November 21, 2004

Patito....King Of Ecuador

Tony & Shane @ Spartans
Originally uploaded by AugTheBlog.
...the picture to the right is not one of is Shane on guitar and a very good man named Tony....Carlos(my, Stephanie, and Rachel take things up a notch..Carlos does the Carlos rap..the presence of Patito and his friends from Ecuador set a roaring comedy session in play...go shake hands with Patito....before anyone leaves they must kiss Patito....someone comes the way have you met Patito??...lets have a standing ovation for forget me....I mean for Patito and his friends from Ecuador (Patricio, Cuchara, and Porfirio)...I even made up a song called PatitoPatito...King Of Ecuador...Shane and brother Rodman share some musical moments....always an interesting evening at Spartans ("Who Let The Dogs Out" was a hit at Spartans well over a year before it was a hit anywhere else in the world....true AugFact)...Nicole was perfect as always...Complete story with more pictures soon.....
Ecuador Meets Mississauga

Friday, November 19, 2004


Originally uploaded by AugTheBlog.
Steve from St. Louis had to leave early, and I finally meet John the owner. That was Part One of the evening. Part 2 goes like this:
The Office - a docu-com from the BBC about office life was being shown on the many screens at Boston Pizza last night at the request of Larry, Steve (THE BRIT from LA), Will, and Ali(THE BOSS from LA). During my break they asked Marie, the bartender if they could watch some of their newly purchased DVD with English sub-titles (because the sound is off....later I'm singing in the background). No...this doesn't bruise my ego. I'm trying to interact by a random reading of some of the sub-titles on the mic. When the night is slow this can be fun. They also make some requests. This group at the bar were being very nice to me. Hey Steve...I hope you send me "California Lawyer Sandra's Blog"...I'll post a link to it on my blog. A young fellow named Chris was there with his "3 fans". He made some new fans when he played a few Tragically Hip and Neil Young Tunes. I thought that he was quite good. It was a pleasant evening. The night reminded me of stepping into someone's livingroom, passing a guitar around while watching a sitcom (the office) with old friends. I met some new friends last night...thanks....the adventure continues.....

Wednesday, November 17, 2004


One Tin Soldier..
Originally uploaded by AugTheBlog.
Last night the very charismatic Judi and Michelle were sitting at a table to the left of me with 3 Medical Doctors from Siberia (Yuri, Marina and Irina). They arrived in Canada because they are on a mission to start a revolution of nursing in Siberia. Marini and Irini graced our presence by coming up to sing Russian songs about Mala Vodka (never ever enough vodka), and other folk stories from their homeland. After each song they would explain the meaning of what they just sang about. I thought they were tremendous. Michelle posed very child-like with my guitar in hand, and Judi offered some high notes on my Open Mic stage downstairs at The Wolves Den. Rockin' Michelle..They welcomed anyone who walked through the door with enthusiasm. Thanks! Chris came up again this week and played a few more originals. Corinne was also there to cheer him on, and he was well received. John, Mark, Lorna and Deb from England get a little crazy...(what was that song I sang about John??..I hope you guys comment. Marg and her group were there again last night. It was good to meet Peter, Peggy and Dave. Mike got the courage to get up and sing "One Tin Soldier". We even rehearsed it outside (kinda chilly...but worth it). His brother Cal took the photo of us on the stage.Thanks Dan from Sudbury, and the folks from Ottawa for participating. I almost forgot to mention that Frank, from Rochester was there...the adventure continues....

Russian Lullabies..

Sunday, November 14, 2004

Open Mic Tuesdays....this Tuesday

Open Mic Tuesdays...
Originally uploaded by AugTheBlog.
Anyone is welcome to come to the Wolf & Firkin to show off their talents in The Wolves Den, Yonge & Elm, just west across from the Delta Chelsea on Elm St. in downtown Toronto. I start at 8 PM. Cheers!

Long May Your Jib Blow

Stu entertains from the bar
Originally uploaded by AugTheBlog.
...long may your jib blow (Good Luck)....says school teacher Deb from Newfoundland....Pam's distinctive Vancouver clap kicks off my night...met some good people from Pennsylvania, Manitoba, Alberta, and Ottawa....Stu from Ottawa proves to be quite the entertainer when I throw him the mic in the middle of "The Gambler"....he gets the crowd going (with Colin's help of course)....Sarah, Samantha and Sheila become my focus....they are three remarkable women...all three professionals in the workplace and mothers....they are very interactive...i get to play a lot of folk songs which is staff at the wolf is great....full story soon...

Wednesday, November 10, 2004


Originally uploaded by AugTheBlog.
When I got to The Wolves Den, the only one waiting for me was Ashley, the bartender. This was my first "Open Mic" Tuesday at The Wolf and Firkin in downtown Toronto. It was looking like a lonely night until a group of ten stepped in (great group....thanks for breaking the ice). I asked if anyone played, sang, tap danced or told jokes. Eric caught the hint and headed back to his place to get his harmonicas. In the meantime, I'm getting to know Marg and her group. Marg is providing entertainment with her so very distinctive voice, and witty remarks. According to her, I am very much in touch with my inner child, and Open Mic should be called Open Luigi (mmmm....I will need to discuss this with management....the inner child remark I Eric gets back in time to play some soulful blues harmonica. He sings quite well and my Open Mic Night loses its virginity. Next to show up is Chris. He comes ready with his book of lyrics; he sings and plays a few of his originals. The first tune he performs gets everyone to listen. I am holding the mike and he is sitting at the bar with his own guitar. He then goes for the stage and plays two more and manages to maintain everyone's respect. Chris does his own tunes..Missy (Christine) came up to sing harmonies (thanks.....I appreciate the participation). Tracy sang her heart out, as she has done in the past. She tells me that she told a few people from New York about the Open Mic starting tonight. The two ladies from Sweden prove to be a good audience. Now there is a line of men walking into the bar. It's the New York people led by SERGEANT DAVE. He's a real Sergeant and I take a picture of him on the stage. He gives me permission to use his picture for my blog. People from England (Tom & friend), and New York City (John, Steve, Jimmy, Russ) take things up another notch. I thank everyone for making my first "Open Mic" night a success....see ya next Tuesday.....the adventure continues....HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHRISTOPHER HOLLOW.....

Monday, November 08, 2004


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Re: Nov. 6, 2004 @ Spezzo in Richmond Hill

Sunday, November 07, 2004


Originally uploaded by AugTheBlog.
....Spezzo in Richmond Hill was packed last night....Steve O takes charge....Maria from Woodbrige orders me around....Bossy Woodbridge Maria's Leg..outside singing Wonderwall with "White Chocolate" while Steve is stealin' my job...White Chocolate....Bartender Mike and Manager Carlos play guitar while I croon...Shannon's before=her after...Classy Toni(curly blonde wih date) introduces herself...Dan's Perfect hair is outstanding...the great Ali (the cab driver) is my saviour because he drove me to Spezzo and then came to pick me up afterwards (my van was out of order for the evening)...The Great Ali..HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMANDA!!!!...the adventure continues...

Saturday, November 06, 2004


Originally uploaded by AugTheBlog.
Mike the bartender served me a great glass of water at Spezzo last night. He called it AUG-WA (my vanity has no Mike assured me that anyone who asks him for an AUG-WA by name will get this beautiful drink...Mike serving AUG-WA.......the adventure continues....

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Election Night, Dusty & A Thousand Cures

Smokin' Dusty..
Originally uploaded by AugTheBlog.
Hey Guys! Say hello to Stu. He's a great engineer and a good guy. This is my SHOUT to "A Thousand Cures". They are a local band ready to take on the world (hopefully). I met them and Agnes at the Moose last night. When I first arrived in Woodbridge, the American Election was on all the televisions. The place was pretty empty. Angelo strolled in with Mario. Ray popped in to do a few tunes. Jen (love the braids), and Leo and some of the old gang were in and out. The people in the back proved to be the reason why I am writing this post. I see a young man with a funky baseball cap on. I discover that his name is Dusty and he plays guitar. I ask him to come up and play "Knockin' On Heaven's Door". I sing-He plays. When he was playing it I thought to myself...the guy can play okay...nothing special. He was persistant. He wanted to do another tune. We did Moondance together and then it became clear. Dusty's a prince of guitar improvisation. Jazz licks were rolling and Dusty was smokin' on my guitar. The band was seated at the back table with Agnes; she is a great supporter of the band. I met Luca the drummer who sounds great on their debut CD UNIFICATION. Rick(guitar), Dusty(smokin' guitar), and Costa(bass) are new to the band. If Dusty's playing is any indication as to where they are heading then I predict good things ahead. Nov. 20th GO SEE A THOUSAND CURES at The Rivoli and let me know what you think.

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