Rob (man of many tatoos) the bartender is nice to me tonight as I lug my gear in. My van is parked illegally outside since the street has no vacancies, and the nearest parking lot is too far away. My boss Tracy has just finished her long shift and says she'll stay for a bit of my set. Guess What? Rock's back! Florida Rock. We haven't seen him for awhile. He always seems to make friends quickly. Tonight he's discussing Geography with some folks at the bar. I start playing to zero reaction. After singing a few songs I see a few lips subconsciously singing along. This is a good sign that i'm not just wallpaper. Tracy then introduces me to Sarah. I declare her the happiest person in the bar because she is. Tracy then comes to sit close to me and cheers me on (a catalyst always appreciated.). Uh Oh....Here comes the Ohio express..from Clevelend....3 Mikes....and wives...Mike of Ellen....Mike of of Debbie....Mike of Kathleen (sounds biblical). Rock, from Florida, was there throughout the night. He's in fine form this evening.

I notice that he's getting along with the Ohio people. Some dancing is happening.....Lookout!!! One of the Mikes is singing Whole Lotta Love and he sounds quite good. I then had a very thoughtful conversation with Kathleen on my break as she was telling me about her son who had served in Iraq. It was quite moving. Tracy comes up and does a soulful rendition of "Crazy"...All hell breaks loose when the Windsor people step in. The owner, Billy, had bought them drinks they return ready to party. I can't believe it. Another Lilly....Lilly the grandmother with her daughters and grand daughter Trish who happens to be a mom are all here tonight. They're just getting in after going to see "Mamma Mia". They are a great crowd....the people love them...the place is starting to fill up now. Hey!!! Where's Chris Hollow? Where's BBeeeyearnt and Jay from BC??? (still recovering from Debbie's party the night before). There are some people from Ireland. Gavin (animation student) is here from Scotland . Roger is working (always smilng that guy). Gord buys shots for the Windsor crowd. Pat, Trish's mom came up to sing, then they all get up. I pass the camera around to Pat, Donna, Trish, and Gail. Lilly tells me that I look like Tony Danza. I tell Donna that she looks like Mary Tyler Moore. We're all famous I guess.
For the record, Rob, the bartender, was loved by the Windsor girls. I ended the night by taking the girls to the back to sing to 2 older guys who thought the night was over. It was a funny and fitting way to end...I had a great time...Aug The Blog signing off..... By the way...Happy Trails Debbie...
Beloved waitress from the Wolf is spending some time in Spain. We all wish her luck. Rob (not the bartender) didn't sing any "Tragically Hip".....maybe next time when the adventure continues.....